
  • Igat tüüpi faktuurarvete ettevalmistamise ja kättetoimetamise protsessi täielik automatiseerimine, sealhulgas ka mittestandardsete rendilepingute jaoks
  • Indekseerimisprotsessi automatiseerimine
  • Kommunaalteenuste arvestusprotsessi ja refaktureerimise automatiseerimine
  • Ekspluatatsioonikulude arvestusprotsessi automatiseerimine (teenustasud)
  • Korrespondentsi genereerimise automatiseerimine rendiandjatele
  • Andmete liikuvus süsteemi NOVO PM ning finants- ja raamatupidamissüsteemide vahel

Otsuste vastuvõtmise ||efektiivne||tugi

  • Laiendatud süsteemi standardaruannete komplekt, mis genereerivad andmed reaalajas, sealhulgas äriobjektide efektiivseks haldamiseks (näiteks NOI, Rent-roll, võlgnevused, kaitse jm)
  • Võimalus luua mistahes aruandeid tänu integreerimisele kaasaegse ärianalüüsi tööriistadega (andmepank)
  • Süsteemiga NOVO PM tagatud andmete ühtsus
  • Kiire ligipääs andmetele läbi interneti


We decided to purchase an IT system that would support our management department of the growing portfolio of our commercial facilities. Our choice was NOVO Property Management by NOVO. The implementation included both the NOVO system itself and its integration with 2 financial and accounting systems, of which our company used. The NOVO system turned out to be a modern, comprehensive tool, automating many specific processes related to retail facilities management. The system met our expectations.

Operations Director, Karuzela Holding


Upon implementing the NOVO Property Management system, our management team has gained constant access to most current data on shopping centre operation, including the condition of tenants, which allows us to conduct analyses on property operation promptly and quickly introduce actions that directly boost the value of our shopping centre. Thanks to NOVO PM, our costs of property administration have gone down considerably.

Asset Manager, Agora Bytom

Knight Frank

During a test implementation of the system, NOVO Technologies convinced us of the high quality of their offer by meeting very high requirements set out by our company for the suppliers of such solutions. When the tests were finished, we decided on full commercial implementation of the system.

Partner, Knight Frank