Users of the NOVO Property CRM module are able to create and work on an extensive database containing key information about all types of contractors with whom the company cooperates, including potential tenants looking for premises for rent. An extensive file of each contractor (including persons representing it, with tracking of employment history, classification of contractors), automatic completion of some fields in the contractor’s register directly from the Central Statistical Office database, “scoring” of contractors – tenants, archiving e-mail correspondence and other documents are key opportunities offered by the register of contractors in the NOVO Property CRM module. Its implementation will benefit mainly departments dealing with debt collection, cooperation with suppliers, and above all teams commercializing facilities, which, after several years of work with the NOVO PM module, have a huge knowledge base on potential tenants for facilities to be commercialized in the future
Category: EN_ProduktFunkcje
EN – funkcje i cechy produktów
CRM dedicated to the commercial real estate sector||tab3||tab3_dedykowany
The NOVO Property CRM module offers users a CRM functionality dedicated to the commercial facilities sector, thanks to which users can, among others, instantly record contacts with contractors, plan contacts for the future (which are visible not only on the Dashboard of the module itself, but also on the user’s calendar integrated with the external module, run e.g. in MS Outlook), with particular emphasis on describing the status of negotiations with potential tenants, also for multiple commercial areas simultaneously. The module has built-in functions to support users in their daily work, such as automatically suggesting dates, checking whether there are already scheduled contacts with a given contractor for the future, keeping an archive of correspondence and documents for each contact, previewing the history of all contacts, quick preview of expired contacts and many more
Effective reporting||tab3||tab3_raportowanie
The NOVO Property CRM module offers cross-sectional reporting for managers managing contacts with contractors, including heads of commercialization departments or people managing the debt collection area, both through reports available directly on the module’s managerial dashboard, as well as through dedicated reports presenting, among others expired contacts, full history of contacts with contractors, the potential of contractors – tenants, and the dedicated report “Status of negotiations with contractors – tenants” available in the module presents in a cross-sectional way the status of negotiations with individual tenants for individual commercialized areas / premises
Constant monitoring of the work efficiency of commercialization departments||tab3||tab3_baza_danych
The head of the commercialization department, thanks to the reports available directly from the management dashboard, has the possibility of constant, direct monitoring of the work efficiency of his subordinates or, for example, external agencies. Reports such as: analysis per contractor, average number of contacts made per day, analysis per contacts made or the report presenting the % of signed contracts are great tools presenting data about the team’s work in real time
Mobile app||tab0||tab0_app_mob
As part of the purchased package, the asset manager can also use the intuitive mobile application, which is a mobile (simplified) version of the NOVO AM reporting module, and allows on-line monitoring of key performance indicators directly via any smartphone
Below are sample screens from the NOVO Asset Management module
Wide possibilities of publishing and sharing reports||tab0||tab0_szerokie_mozliwosci
One of the very flexible functionalities of the NOVO AM reporting module is the ability to instantly share created reports, e.g. via email, publication on a net disk, publication on the internet, exporting in pdf, csv, xls, html or jpg format
Below are sample screens from the NOVO Asset Management module
Unlimited number of databases||tab0||tab0_bazy_danych
The NOVO AM reporting module can be interfaced with any number of different databases (not only the NOVO PM database), allowing users to instantly create cross-sectional reports using data e.g. from financial and accounting systems, visitor counting and NOVO PM in the same report
Below are sample screens from the NOVO Asset Management module
Comprehensive management reporting||tab0||tab0_dowolne_raporty
Asset manager using the NOVO AM reporting module can create virtually any reports based on data from the NOVO PM system or other systems or Dbases that will be connected to the NOVO AM reporting module. The algorithm of creating reports does not require knowledge of SQL – asset manager can simply “click out” any report, using the intuitive functions of pivot tables known from the standard version of well-known Excel. The NOVO AM reporting module offers a very wide range of data presentation options, with the option of changing the type of graph in real time, while the “drill down” function allows users to preview virtually any type of data from which the report was created
Below are sample screens from the NOVO Asset Management module
Effective reporting||tab1||tab1_efektywne_raportowanie
Thanks to extensive system reports and integration with a Business Intelligence tool (data warehouse), the NOVO PM system provides instant access to current data on any management area in a commercial facility
High level of data security||tab1||tab1_wysoki
Using the high quality data centers and thanks to embedded system security measures of quality at the level of information systems used by financial institutions, the NOVO PM system provides users with a high level of comfort in their daily work