OCR functionality for electronic circulation of purchase documents ||tab2||tab2_ocr

The OCR function enables automatic reading of data from purchase documents sent by the supplier to the client’s e-mail address or read from invoices scanned by the client’s reception, placed on some internal ftp server. In addition, OCR automatically adds a scan of the purchase document to the archive of documents related to the recorded purchase document

Below are sample screens from the NOVO Property Management module

Purchase orders ||tab2||tab2_zamowienia

The Purchase order functionality, as an additional functionality to the electronic circulation and approval of purchase documents, allows users, among others, quickly create of purchase orders, adding any number and format of documents to a purchase order, assigning a purchase order to a specific cost category and budget, automatic e-mail alerts to managers who are in the order approval path (e.g. per department, cost category, financial limit), which, by the way, can be freely parameterized, instant preview of the full approval history of each purchase order. However, after approving the purchase order, the system itself will link the purchase order with the purchase invoice(s), with automatic checking of the cost category, the amount (for which the order was approved), the use of the budget (also with adding a recorded invoice to the balance) with automatic “handing over” for additional approval in case of exceedances/non-compliances. Users also have the option of using an extensive order register, with the ability to analyze data using many filters and instant export of reports to the .xls format .xls

Below are sample screens from the NOVO Property Management module

Flexible document archive||tab2||tab2_elastyczne

The document archiving module not only allows users to store all types of electronic versions of documentation (scans, PDFs, photos, etc.) related to the client’s business, but also enables intelligent contextual search e.g. by entering the word “rent”, the NOVO PM system will list all documents which contain this word either in the name of the document or, using the interface to an OCR system, in its content.
The system also enables very flexible parameterization and use of the document “tree”, and also, thanks to the intelligent connection between the various screens of the module, it allows very effective viewing of all documents that have been added to the module on various screens, directly on the Archive screen.

Below are sample screens from the NOVO Property Management module

Tenant’s portal||tab2||tab2_portal

Tenants in facilities that use NOVO PM have the ability to access selected data and information from the system through the so-called Tenant’s portal, available entirely online.
The tenant portal for the NOVO PM module enables tenants to quick view their invoices for the lease of premises (or other rental units) in the facility, the ability to download copies of invoices in PDF format and to add data on the generated turnover (with the option of viewing them as they changed over time). And the manager himself has the ability to immediately publish on the Tenant Portal announcements regarding operations within the facility.
And all this in a modern, intuitive graphic design, with the option of displaying e.g. the facility manager’s logo

Below are sample screens from the NOVO Property Management module

Virtual reception desk in office buildings||tab2||tab2_wirtualna_recepcja

The virtual reception desk ensures, via a touch screen, quick registration in the NOVO PM module of guests visiting tenants in the facility, practically without the participation of a receptionist. Thanks to this, the facility manager knows at any time how many people from the outside are in the facility, can keep statistics of visits, and thanks to the possibility of integration with a thermal imaging camera (remote temperature measurement), he can ensure higher safety of people working in the facility. Lower costs, higher efficiency and a positive impact on the image of the property manager / owner of the facility are the key benefits from implementing this functionality

Below are sample screens from the NOVO Property Management module

Monitoring of ESG activities of landlords and property managers||tab2||tab2_esg

The NOVO PM module offers functionality that enables property and asset managers to manage a portfolio of commercial properties from an ESG perspective by, for example, describing and analysing the properties from the perspective of the required and received ESG certificates (with facilities with different statuses, e.g. green, yellow, etc., marked on a map), the sustainability policies applied, the number and scope of amenities in the facility for tenants and visitors located. The ESG functionality also makes it possible to plan sustainability activities organised by the property managers for the local communities in the individual facilities. In addition, it is also possible to monitor the consumption of resources – e.g. all the utilities consumed in the facility (e.g. electricity, water, etc.), which will make it possible to estimate trends in the consumption of individual resources in the future and to introduce, for example, a policy of gradual reduction

Below are sample screens from the NOVO Property Management module

Enhanced reporting in key property management areas||tab2||tab2_raportowanie

 In the NOVO PM module, the user can make use of dozens of available standard managerial reports, ranging from the classic Rent-roll, through an extensive NOI report, reports presenting the lease status of individual rent units, cross-sectional revenue and cost reports (presenting data from different perspectives), as well as reports related to the management of receivables, collaterals to lease contracts, budgeting (revenue and costs), and efficiency of e.g. retail facilities. Reports in NOVO PM offer extensive possibilities of presenting data thanks to enhanced filters (in the case of e.g. summaries of lease contracts or sales documents, the module offers a set of more than 20 different filters for analysing data in individual reports). In addition, each of the reports and statements can be transferred to an Excel spreadsheet with a single click, which makes working with the data even more efficient

Below are sample screens from the NOVO Property Management module