POIR 3.3.3||Intelligent Development Operational Program, 2014-2020

POIR 3.3.3
Intelligent Development Operational Program, 2014-2020

Sub-measure 3.3.3: Support MŚP in the promotion of product brands – GO TO BRAND

NOVO Technologies S.A. implements a project co-financed by European Funds “Increase in the competitiveness of NOVO Technologies S.A. by developing the export of its own product – the NOVO Property Management system ”.

The goal of the project is:

The aim of the project is to develop the company’s export activity by starting sales of the NOVO Property Management system on foreign markets. As a result of the project, it is planned to enter the market of Singapore, Russia, Ukraine and China, which were identified as promising in the IT / ICT industry promotion program.

Grant application number: POIR.03.03.03-14-0327/19

Project value: PLN 515,000.00

Co-financing value: PLN 412,000.00

Novo||We are launching a new functionality for the office buildings sector – NOVO Visitor Book

We are pleased to inform you that from now on there is a new functionality available to clients managing office building portfolios, which is a part of our largest module – NOVO PM, under the name NOVO Visitor Book.
