Property ESG perspective now available in the NOVO PM module!

Property ESG perspective now available in the NOVO PM module!

We have enhance our basic product - the NOVO PM module with the new functionality to monitor facilities from an ESG perspective. It allows the NOVO PM users to look at each facility this time not from a management perspective, but from the perspective of responsibility and contribution to sustainable development - Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance.
The new feature enables the classification of facilities that appear in the property manager's portfolio from an ESG perspective and distinguishes, for example, so-called green facilities.
Reporting from an ESG perspective will enable, among others:
1. locating a given facility on a Google map along with providing all key data regarding ESG (e.g. regarding resource consumption, amenities available in the facility, how many LED luminaires there are, the area of green fields, air quality outside the building, etc.),
2. analyzing received/required certificates (or policies) regarding the ESG area for facilities, along with their expiry date, which determine whether the building has a GREEN status.
The new functionality also allows our Clients to plan community engagement activities in individual facilities, etc., enter a description and amount of resource consumption - e.g. all utilities consumed in the facility (e.g. electricity, water). This will allow the users to estimate trends in the consumption of individual utility in the future and introduce, for example, a policy of gradual reduction.
This functionality was created not only because the need to report indicated data related to the ESG area is imposed by the so-called directive on corporate reporting on sustainable development. More and more not only investors, but above all potential tenants are looking for green buildings. This results from responsibility for the environment, and at the same time indicates the possibility of reducing operating costs in leased spaces. Hence, GREEN facilities are becoming more desirable than those that do not have such a status, and their property managers are becoming more attractive on the commercial real estate market.
We encourage you to learn more about the new functionality - for this, please contact our customer service department:


Phone: +48 (22) 266-03-90

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