Each subsequent Client is always an occasion for celebration! Among iur Clients let us welcome TDJ Sp. z o.o. from Katowice, which started its operations in 1977!
DARUMA Sp. z o.o. is a company whose activities since 2004 have been focused on investing, leasing and managing its own and leased real estate within Pelion S.A. grpup. DARUMA's portfolio includes office, warehouse, commercial and residential (management of residential communities) facilities
There is still a hot contract on the table with another Client that trusted us and decided to cooperate in the field of commercial real estate management.
more...Such messages are passed to the widest smile! Just to the group of NOVO clients joined the company Vanstar, the owner and manager of a very modern, recently opened Sekunda shopping center in Jędrzejów.
more...From today our client is P.A. NOVA Management Sp. z o.o., dedicated to managing 13 commercial objects (9 commercial and 4 industrial) of PANOVA S.A. company, present on commercial real estate market since 1987.