New Gate

In the current situation of the commercial property market, it is relatively easier to generate additional and stable savings from the property by means of optimising cost management of the property compared to increasing revenues from lease. And thanks to a properly selected IT system, the management of costs is much more efficient.

Member of the Board, Gateway Capital Partners


We have selected NOVO Property Management as this offer by NOVO Technologies is a comprehensive tool that fully reflects and automates key processes related to shopping centre management and at the same time is ergonomic and user-friendly and easy to work with.

Asset Manager, Agora Bytom

Kindlus ja stabiilsus

  • Süsteem NOVO PM toetab kliente alates aastast 2011. Selle aja jooksul on see tõestanud oma efektiivsust ja stabiilsust
  • Meie kliendid on kontrollinud süsteemi NOVO PM kvaliteeti. Seda kinnitab kasutajatelt saadud tagasiside
  • Poola turul on süsteemi NOVO PM juurutatud juba paarikümnel kohalikul ja välismaisel kliendil