
Citrus Sp. z o.o. I represent is a company managing shopping centres upon orders of large international property owners. In December 2011, upon broad verification of the market in terms of available computer systems for management of commercial properties, we decided to choose the NOVO Property Management system by NOVO Technologies .

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Rank Progress_LT

Rank Progress S.A. is one of the most dynamically developing investment and development companies in Poland. Since 2001, it has released for use over 30 shopping galleries and centres. In 2012 we entered into cooperation with NOVO Technologies as a provider of the NOVO Property Management system for management of several of our current and projected commercial properties.

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Astri Group is the biggest retail real estate owner in Estonia. We are owning shopping centres and a market in 4 Estonian cities. Due to our growing needs to manage our portfolio in a more effective way we were looking for a software that could help us to handle all this information. After doing plenty of research and visiting several software providers, we decided to choose NOVO software provided by Novo Technologies from Poland.

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